take kick造句

"take kick"是什么意思   


  1. You buy on anticipation and once the news hits, profit-taking kicks in.
  2. In 1976 he convicted Cincinnati's Police Chief, Carl Goodin, for taking kick-backs.
  3. "I don't ever watch them take kicks,"
  4. The soccer team was out taking kicks again and again, we were writing and memorizing lists, doing drills, assigning ourselves outside reading.
  5. The rate cut is already priced in, and while the market is clearly over bought it could go alot further before profit taking kicks in, Guild said.
  6. It's difficult to find take kick in a sentence. 用take kick造句挺难的
  7. Hamilton denies taking kick-backs in envelopes, but has acknowledged working for a lobbyist without declaring the interest, and getting free stays at Al Fayed's Ritz Hotel in Paris.
  8. Not only does Advocaat have a list of players who would take kicks, but " we've read a book someone gave us " on how to take penalties, he said Friday.
  9. He was accused of using his office in exchange for bribes from businessmen and taking kick-backs from staff members'congressional salaries, as well as making them work on his farm outside Youngstown and on his boat moored in Washington.
  10. The Wallabies decided to go for try-scoring moves instead of taking kicks at goal when they were awarded penalties deep into the Welsh territory and were punished when the home team broke out to score a try after a 90-yard move.
  11. They were indulged in what word or letter to add here or omit there, until they adopted a text under the pretext that it would be better to take kicks of a raging bull in a small circle than to face its horns in an open space.


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  7. "take kindly to"造句
  8. "take law as the criterion"造句
  9. "take lead"造句
  10. "take leave"造句

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